✔️ Greater Support and Stability: these lifting wrist wraps allow to perform all sorts of movements like snatch, clean, kettle bell exercises, shrug, deadlift, push press, push jerk, split jerk, overhead squat. Boost your performance and grip with our wrist bands for greater wrist stability anytime during Weightlifting, Powerlifting, Bodybuilding, Strength and Strongman Training.
🏆 Expertly Crafted: lifting wrist supports by champion Oleksiy TOROKHTIY, a titleholder in both World and European weightlifting competitions.
💯 Satisfaction guaranteed! We at WBCM stand behind our products and provide our customers with the best quality and service. Risk-free purchase.
🦾 Ultra-strong & Adjustable: Weight lifting wrist support wraps for men & women are easy to put on and off due to elastic strap and anchor system. Simply slide your thumbs through the thumb loops and wrap around your wrists. Lift more with our lifting bands and feel no more wrist pain.
🖐 Forget About Wrist Pain: purchase our Premium wrist wraps to protect your wrists and prevent injury during strength training. We designed and tested wraps with a professional understanding of what you need for a comfortable and successful achievement of your athletic goals.